Friends and Family Test
Everyone at Kingsbridge Medical Practice wants our patients to have the best possible experience of care. The NHS Friends and Family test (FFT) is a way of gathering feedback so we can continuously review our service. This is an ongoing survey and patients can provide feedback as often as they like.
The FFT is based on one simple question:
How likely are you to recommend our services to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?
You will be given the choice of 6 different comments to choose from. There will also be at least one extra question to be answered at the same time.
The feedback given by patients will help us to find out what they think about the surgery and the services we provide. All comments and information given will be reviewed and will help us to decide where changes need to be made to ensure we offer the best possible care.
Please note that we cannot respond to complaints via the Friends and Family Test. If wish to make a complaint, please follow our complaints procedure which can be found under the Patient Information section of the website.
Forms can be obtained from the surgery, alternatively you may receive a request to participate via text message following your appointment.
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