February 2013 Newsletter
“The Fire Brigade did a fire check at my home and afterwards an officer asked if I had a telephone in the bedroom. I said I had, but he pointed out that my landline telephone could be put out of action in the case of a fire. He advised me always to take my mobile phone to the bedroom at night.”
From Theory To Practice – A Personal Overview
What is it like after years of studying the theory of medicine, putting it into practice? Laura Bevington is a medical student in her final year at Keele University. She hails from Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands and in November gave her views and opinions about her frontline experiences at Kingsbridge Medical Practice.
Laura was keen to enhance the interpersonal skills that feature highly at Keele. For their attachments all students are given the opportunity of expressing their preference for geographical areas. Kingsbridge, with its patients` profiles is different from a Tunstall practice where Laura has been placed before.
Clayton, with the boundaries of the practice stretching from total area east of the M6 Motorway to urban areas to the south of Newcastle, has an older age group and fewer young families and ethnic minority groups.
Laura felt there was a typical reluctance on behalf of some males to admit to anything being possibly wrong and also some people seeking a willing ear with no serious medical condition prevailing!
One thing, unprompted, she reiterated, was the increased self-awareness by patients concerning specific health conditions. Despite some opinions that notice boards and newsletters were not read, and media covererage ignored, she says there is a marked upturn in patients` medical self-interest.
When asked what she wished for in the future (dependent on exam results in July 2013), Laura has an obviously, well thought out and committed personal preference – to specialise in obstetrics and gynaecology.
After the two final additional years FY1 and FY2 (First Year One and First Year Two), graduates list their preferred locations. Laura’s chosen area is West Midlands, Shropshire and Worcestershire. She might seek experience in a small hospital like the Royal Shrewsbury.
An article in The Guardian in May 2011 asked the question – do you consider a salary of £100,000 to be adequate? Acknowledging the fact the majority of doctors could be self-employed and also carry the burden of repaying student loans incurred over seven years of training, £100,000 was deemed not to be excessive.
In April 2013 Primary Care Trusts (PCT`s) will be transferred to Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s). Despite the volume of literature being published, Laura felt the future and all the radical changes remain unclear.*
Laura concluded by saying how much she had enjoyed the opportunity to play the role of the doctor. She had conducted over 200 “consultations” of approximately 20 minutes, all of which were followed up by a trained GP.
Unbidden she wished to express her thanks to patients and all staff at Kingsbridge for their warm friendship and support.
Our thanks to Laura for being open in sharing her experience at Kingsbridge, and we wish her well for the future.
*In the next edition of Kingsbridge Newsletter we hope all the changes will be explained.*
Arthritis Research UK
Arthritis Research UK is the country’s leading arthritis charity. They have a number of information booklets based on the latest scientific research into joint pain and its treatment, and they give information and answers to your questions. Amongst others there are booklets on Osteoarthritis, Diet and Arthritis, Fatigue and Arthritis.
For more information, including how your can get involved to help this charity call 0300 790 0400.
Or go to their website – www.arthritisreasearchuk.org
CANCER: How to Protect and Detect
Life-style choices are known to help contribute towards the likely chance of contracting cancer. Being over-weight, smoking, not exercising on a regular basis, using sun beds or being out in strong sunlight without using the correct SPF lotion or cream, may lead to a greater chance of contracting cancer. If you are worried or suspect you may have the signs or symptoms of cancer you should immediately contact your doctor for further advice.
The really good news is cancer found early can now be detected and successfully treated, and in many cases – cured.
There are at least 10 warning signs of cancer:
A lump or thickening in the breast or testicles
Any lesion (e.g. on the skin) that does not heal.
A change in a wart or mole can be indicative of melanoma. Skin cancers may appear as dry, scaly patches, as pimples that do not go away, or as inflamed or ulcerated areas. Warts and moles that bleed or grow should be checked.
A sore throat that persists, hoarseness for more than 3 weeks, a persistent lump in the throat or difficulty in swallowing, may indicate cancer of the larynx and should be investigated.
Painful sores in the mouth that persist no matter the treatment. (You should seek advice from your dentist)
A change in your bowel or bladder habits, continuing urinary difficulties, constipation, diarrhoea, bloatedness with gas pains, rectal bleeding or blood in the stool may all indicate cancer and should be investigated.
Constant indigestion or trouble swallowing, nausea, heartburn, bloating and loss of appetite may all be symptoms of the upper gastro-intestinal tract cancers (oesophagus or stomach), and they should not be ignored.
Unusual bleeding or discharge from the vagina are seen in the early stages of uterine cancer and in the later stages of cervical cancer.
Difficulty in urinating may indicate prostate cancer in men.
10. A persistent cough that refuses to go away no matter what the weather or season could indicate lung cancer.
Although these are warning signs other, non-cancerous conditions can give similar symptoms.
New drugs to treat and cure or arrest the growth and spread of the cancer cells are being discovered all the time. Exciting trials of NEW GENEATION PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY are showing very promising results. This may lead to no more invasive surgery, chemotherapy or radiation but to much quicker and more effective treatment with little or no side effects!!
Indications, so far, even suggesting that NGPDT destroys undetected cancer cells and the new photo-sensitising agents now used, have none of the original side effects of the ones first used.
NGPDT can now be used to treat many forms of cancer – even large and deep tumours. Even acne and psoriasis show good results. I can vouch for the PDT I receive for my skin cancer on my face, over 15 years ago – no scars!!
Sadly, this is still not widely available.
Research News
BBC Ceefax news reports some of the research written up in scientific papers. Like the photodynamic therapy mentioned above there are advances in research; some may not work out after more experiments, some may eventually be available, but probably that will be in years ahead.
To find Ceefax Health News dial 1030.
Ceefax also reports in the News nationally what may be happening in the NHS. In and Around the UK – Midlands News – dial 1640 – for news of your local NHS and of problems etc. in hospitals and care homes.
This is NOT in depth news, but does give the reader some idea of what is happening.
Doctors` Non-Practice Work Commitments
As you are aware all of our Doctors work less than full time hours within the Practice. However, for most of them that does not mean they are not doing other things for the rest of the week. As a Practice we have a high commitment to training new GP`s and medical students, and we are also involved in research work. We are one of only two GP practices in Staffordshire who are designated as an Advanced Training Practice.
In their other ‘lives’ our Doctors work as follows:
Dr. Cooper
Over and above her 6 clinical sessions where she sees patients, Dr. Cooper does 2 afternoons a week devoted entirely to the clinical audit, inspection and administrative work that is required in a GP Practice.
Dr. Mallen
Dr. Mallen is Professor of General Medicine at Keele University for 4 days a week. He is very involved in research and also teaches students. He regularly has articles published in medical journals and is the recipient of numerous awards for his work. He is a trained trainer for Doctors wishing to become GP`s.
Dr. Merron
Dr. Merron is Programme Director for the Vocational Training Scheme (VTS) with the West Midland Deanery. The Deanery oversees the training for GP Registrars. She is a trained trainer so is responsible for the supervision of a number of GP Registrars within North Staffordshire. She also undertakes appraisals for qualified GP`s. Dr Merron has a particular interest in child protection issues and is the PCT GP Lead for Child Protection. In her ‘spare time’ she is writing a dissertation for a Master’s degree
Dr. Hussain
Like Dr. Merron, Dr. Hussain is a VTS Programme Director and a trained trainer of GP Registrars. She is also responsible for the supervision of a number of GP Registrars within North Staffordshire.
Dr. Helliwell
Dr. Helliwell works 2 days a week with Dr. Mallen at Keele University on various research projects. He is hoping to obtain funding to undertake a PhD.
Dr. Clarson
Apart from her one session with us Dr. Clarson works full time as a research fellow undertaking a PhD at Keele University.
So, as you can see your Doctors are very busy people with a strong focus on training, research and personal development which all contributes to improved knowledge, skills and quality care for everyone.
Anne Sherratt
Practice Manager
Addaction Staffordshire
Open Access Drug Service
The service offers a free, confidential and non-judgemental service. Drop in and see them, or call to make an appointment.
Addaction is the UK`s biggest drug and alcohol treatment charity.
They are a service for anyone over the age of 18 who is concerned over their, or someone else’s, drug use.
They provide a needle and syringe programme, open access drop in, advice and information.
They also have a Hepatitis Project with a nurse providing testing for Hepatitis and HIV and vaccination of Hepatitis A & B.
Email: infor@addaction.org.uk
Web: www.addaction.org.uk
Newcastle office: 7 Fellgate Court, ST5 2UA.
Tel: 01782 637 658
Mob: 07789 948059
Kingsbridge Doctors` Surgery Hours of Work
Dr. W. Cooper: Mondays, Tuesday mornings, Thursdays and Friday mornings.
Dr. S. Lee: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Dr. C. Mallen: Mondays
Dr. J. Merron: Mondays, Tuesday, and Wednesdays.
Dr. A. Hussain: Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, Fridays.
Dr. T. Helliwell: Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, Fridays.
Dr. L. Clarson: Monday mornings
Kingsbridge GP Registrars Hours of Work in the Surgery
Dr. F. Mohideen: Mondays, Tuesday mornings, Thursdays and Fridays.
Dr. J. Thakur: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursday mornings and Fridays.
Dr. E. Clarke: Mondays, Tuesday mornings, Thursday mornings.
Dr. A. Jayanti: Mondays, Tuesday mornings, Wednesday and Fridays.
From 7/3/13: Dr. D. Manickam: Thursday mornings and Fridays